  • • Each honey jar is tested in collaboration with the JBA •
  • • Free delivery on orders over 16 JOD •
  • • Nature your skin with our soap bars •

The (Beewayfamily) team welcomes you and thanks you for your trust in it. (Beewayfamily) informs you that out of its concern and fully aware that the user has rights, (Beewayfamily) seeks to preserve the users’ information in accordance with the privacy policy and information confidentiality mechanism in force in (Beewayfamily). Accordingly, (Beewayfamily) clarifies to you that the privacy policy and confidentiality of information according to which your information will be dealt with is as follows:

First: The information that Beewayfamily obtains and maintains in its databases

  • The user’s personal information, such as name, age, email, national ID number or residence number.
  • The user’s personal login information, such as the user name, password, email, and the password recovery question and its answer.
  • The nature of the electronic platform may require some information related to cookies for electronic purposes that facilitate the interaction between the store and the user.

Second: Does Beewayfamily share this information?

  • Naturally, (Beewayfamily) seeks to keep this information in a way that preserves the user’s privacy, and (Beewayfamily) does not retain this information except with the aim of improving the quality of the online store and facilitating dealings between (Beewayfamily) and the user.
  • As a general rule, all of this information is accessible only to those in charge of (Beewayfamily), and they will not publish or broadcast it to others.
  • As (Beewayfamily) seeks to maintain the safety of users, – in the event that (Beewayfamily) notices any irregular or illegal activity carried out by the user – (Beewayfamily) may inform the competent authorities after consulting with (Beewayfamily) lawyer.

Third: How secure is the confidentiality of the store’s information?

(Beewayfamily) seeks to maintain the confidentiality of users’ information and privacy policy and will not violate the provisions of these rules and policy. However, since it is not possible to guarantee this 100% via the Internet, the (Beewayfamily) team notes the following:

  • (Beewayfamily) seeks to preserve all user information and not reveal it to anyone in violation of this policy in force at (Beewayfamily).
  • (Beewayfamily) works to protect this information through “specific servers?” Protected under electronic protection systems “Software system or specific software?”
  • However, given that the Internet cannot be 100% guaranteed due to any hacking or viruses that may occur on the electronic protection systems and on the firewalls in place in (Assalon), (Assalon) advises users to keep their information strictly confidential, and not to disclose any information that the user sees. It is very important to him, and this is due to Assaloun’s keenness to guide and advise users.

Fourth: Is there a third party in the relationship between (Beewayfamily) and the merchant?

Our website is electronically linked to third parties (such as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Google Ads) that collect user data through their applications in order to track conversions and provide advertisements targeted to users’ interests, including storing and accessing cookies. Your use of the website means acceptance of this policy. . If you wish to cancel your subscription to the site, please write to us at and we will cancel your subscription immediately based on your desire.

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