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White creamy honey…all you need to know

Rich Taste, Thick Consistency, and Multiple Benefits… Discover Creamy White Honey

Creamy white honey is produced at Droub Al-Nahl from the prickly pear tree (Prosopis or Mesquite) abundant in the Jordan Valley during the spring season each year.

This white honey is one of the most popular types of honey in modern times, and we will present many details about it in this article.

How Is Honey Transformed into Creamy Consistency (White Honey)?

The transformation of honey into a creamy consistency involves grinding a portion of honey using a special mortar and pestle. This process alters the structure of the honey’s crystalline particles. The ground honey is then mixed with a larger quantity of honey in its natural state and placed in a special machine that stirs the mixture for a specific duration until all crystals are fully integrated, resulting in a perfectly creamy texture reminiscent of Nutella. The color changes to white without any additives.

What Is the Difference Between Creamy Honey and White Honey?

White honey, as marketed by some, is claimed to be produced in East Asian countries like Kyrgyzstan from the nectar of the honey locust flower. However, it is important to note that white honey is not directly produced from hives. Instead, honey is harvested in its liquid form, and through a transformation process, it becomes white. No credible sources indicate that bees produce any honey in a white color directly from the hive.

As a result, white honey can be derived from various types of honey. Creamy honey can be made from Sidr honey, citrus honey, multi-flower mountain honey, or any other type, but beekeepers carefully select the honey they wish to transform to achieve the best taste and texture.

What Flower Is Used to Produce the Creamy Honey Available at Droub Al-Nahl?

At Droub Al-Nahl, we produce creamy (white) honey from a thorny plant called the prickly pear, which thrives in hot summer climates and mild winter temperatures.

What Are the Benefits of Creamy White Honey?

Most scientific studies indicate that white honey produced from the flowers of the prickly pear tree acts as an antioxidant and antibacterial agent due to its inherent compounds. Additionally, it is effective against inflammation, boosts the immune system, and provides energy to the body due to its natural sugars.

What Is the Purpose of Transforming Honey into a Creamy Consistency?

The primary goal of transforming honey into a creamy white consistency is to make it spreadable, allowing it to be used as a functional food alternative to industrial sugar in spreads for desserts and sandwiches. The creamy texture not only enhances the flavor but also offers a new experience for honey lovers. Furthermore, creamy honey is fully protected from crystallization, a common issue that bothers many consumers. It remains uncrystallized in both summer and winter, making it a more desirable option for consumption

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