Bees visit thousands of flowers..How to know the type of honey
How do we know the type of honey and that citrus honey is citrus honey or any other honey type that it is considered Honey of a certain type even though bees visit various flowers !
Five information summarizes this topic
The first information:
In this regard, bees in general are looking for nectar from which Honey is made in the nearest place, that is, when bees find flowers close to them, they do not aspire to go to distant flowers, and so closer and closer, and this is natural and logical .
The second piece of information:
That bees at their best fly for a distance ٥ how much, according to documented scientific studies, and most often it is between ١ – كم how much.
The third piece of information:
We know the type of honey and its classification depends on two things as follows :
First: the type of honey is controlled by the date of flowering of various plants, for example, citrus honey blooms in the first week of the third month of the year with the beginning of spring for three to four weeks, and bees collect nectar from citrus blossom, and so in all types of honey, the flowering time is one of the criteria for determining the type of honey .
Secondly, the place where the bees are located, so if the bees are placed in the northern Gorges, which is the best place to produce citrus honey, the resulting honey is citrus honey, and this is never separated from the previous point where we mentioned the date of flowering of the plant, when the bees are placed in the northern Gorges in the citrus season-the third month of the year-the honey that is produced is citrus honey.
The fourth piece of information :
Honey is classified as of a certain type depending on the percentage of nectar from a particular flower, so if the percentage of nectar is from citrus flowers ٤٥% فأ and more, then this honey is called citrus, and if the percentage of nectar is from eucalyptus blossom ٤٥% and more, then this honey is called eucalyptus honey, and if there is no percentage of nectar that overcomes another, then this honey is called multi-flowered honey ( herbal honey, flower honey), which is the same Mountain Honey .
The fifth piece of information :
Each honey has a set of sensory characteristics by which a person recognizes this honey, especially if he buys honey a lot or is an expert in it, citrus honey, for example, has a dark yellow color and smells of citrus fruits in a large and distinctive way, eucalyptus honey smells like eucalyptus trees, honey color, and so on in each type .