What Is Honey Crystalization?
Most honey consumers suffer from the problem of crystallization, freezing, caramelization, or grains appearing in their honey due to difficulty eating it.
The vast majority believe that honey’s transformation into this form is due to the fact that it is adulterated and was made from sugar, but the truth is that the opposite is true.
All studies confirm that crystallized (solid) honey is natural
All studies indicate that the crystallization of honey is a normal phenomenon in natural honey and this phenomenon does not occur in factory honey or adulterated honey this is due to a variety of reasons
First: the percentage of pollen in honey
Pollen fragmentation is the main reason for honey’s crystallization. Honey collects around the pollen nuclei and begins to freeze until its entire consistency turns into a single mass. This property has kept honey from damage for thousands of years.
Adulterated honey that has been made or fed to bees with sugary nectar does not crystallize due to the absence of pollen in this honey, even if it is added does not crystallize due to the lack of enzymes responsible for this process in
Second: the proportion of water in honey
Natural honey contains 14-20% water. If there is a lot of water, honey crystallizes more slowly, and vice versa.
Third: honey preservation temperature
The most active crystallization processes occur at a temperature close to 15 degrees Celsius. The lower the temperature, the more susceptible honey becomes to crystallization, and this is what happens in winter compared to summer.
How to get rid of crystallization of honey and return it to its natural consistency
If you don’t like the taste of honey when it is crystallized, first make sure that the honey is natural and to return the honey to its natural consistency, put the package in a warm water bath with a temperature of no more than 40 degrees Celsius, and you will notice how the honey will return to its liquid consistency.
Be careful not to heat honey at too high temperatures so that it does not crystallize, as this honey loses all its properties and benefits. Whether honey crystallizes or not, its benefits will remain the same.
In the end, make sure that the information we have provided to you is correct from any source that you trust. Crystallization of honey is a natural sign of its quality, it does not indicate that it is adulterated. Keep it stored in suitable conditions and enjoy its many benefits.